Course Details

Level 2 Functional Skills Qualification in English

Price : £250

  • 4.00

About this course

Level: Level 2 Minimum entry age: Pre-16 GLH: 66 TQT: 55

Target Audience

The purpose of the Functional Skills English Level 2 qualification is to prepare the learner for work, study and life. Learners who achieve this qualification will demonstrate the ability to read, write, speak, listen and communicate in English. Learners will be able to apply these skills effectively to a range of purposes in the workplace and in real life situations.

Purpose and objectives of this qualification

Functional Skills English qualifications at these levels indicate that learners should be able to speak, listen, communicate, read and write clearly, accurately, confidently, and with effectiveness. They should be able to:

• Listen, understand and make relevant contributions to discussions with others in a range of contexts
• Apply their understanding of language to adapt delivery and content to suit audience and purpose · Read a range of different text types confidently and fluently, applying their knowledge and understanding of texts to their own writing
• Write texts of varying complexity, with accuracy, effectiveness, and correct spelling, punctuation and grammar
• Understand the situations when, and audiences for which, planning, drafting and using formal language are important, and when they are less important.


These qualifications are each assessed via 2 external assessments and one controlled assessment. The external assessments cover:

• Reading
• Writing

The external assessments are task-based and invigilated. Once the completed assessments are returned to NCFE, they are marked by NCFE examiners. The controlled assessment covers:

• Speaking, Listening and Communicating

Course Features

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